Transition Services

"Transition Services are a coordinated set of activities resulting in the improvement of academic and functional achievement of students with disabilities thereby facilitating their movement from school to post school activities leading to employment."

Mission Statement

Our goal is to provide education, planning and support so that all students become productive, responsible young adults who are able to participate in their community to their highest potential by acquiring and demonstrating skills in the following areas:

  • Self-Advocacy

  • Educational and Career Planning

  • Independent Living

  • Money Management

  • Linkage with Outside Agencies

Transition Team

Kitty Voos, School Psychologist/Transition Coordinator

Karen Bauchle, Director of Special Services   

Jolene Rice, School Counselor (A-I)

Laura Murphy, School Counselor (J-M)

Kelly Squires, School Counselor (N-Z)

Peg Guzda, Special Education Teacher & Coordinator






Transition News & Happenings

The Model Transition Project

Maryvale has been fortunate to have been a part of the Model Transition Project (MTP) for the past 18 months. The MTP is a grant program through the New York State Department of Education which is focused on improving post-secondary outcomes for students with disabilities.  We began our MTP project in January of 2008 with the expectation that the grant would continue through October of 2010. However, as the economic crisis continued to affect the state and region, we learned that the grant would be ending in October of 2009.  Nevertheless, we have implemented the fundamentals of an outstanding transition process and have plans to sustain and build on that foundation to address the ongoing needs of our students with disabilities as they make the transition from high school to college or to the world of work.

Since 2008 year we have provided students with many diverse opportunities related to transition. A primary focus of the MTP has been to connect students with disabilities with post-secondary services available through the New York State office of Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities (VESID).  We have successfully completed VESID applications with many of our graduates and, of those, many have been found eligible to receive a wide array of individualized services. Some students have received financial assistance with tuition and/or books for college; others have received help with driver education, mobility training or job coaching.  All eligible students have the benefit of life-long access to a vocational counselor who will work with them to develop a long-term plan for job success! 

For the upcoming school year and into the future we will work to provide diverse educational experiences to ensure that our students with disabilities have the skills, knowledge and support to become independent, successful adults. 

2011-12 Transition Activities and Services

Several services for students and parents are planned for the upcoming school year,  including:

ACCES-VR (formerly VESID) 

The Mission of the NYS Office of Adult Career and Continuing Education Services (ACCES) encompasses three areas - Vocational Rehabilitation, Adult Education, and The Bureau of Proprietary School Supervision.  ACCES-VR is concerned with the transition process of high school students with disabilities to post-secondary education or emplyment. The Maryvale Transition Team will hold workshops for 11th and 12th grade students with disabilities to provide them with a better understanding of ACCES-VR services and application procedures. These will be scheduled throughout the school year. Students attending these workshops will complete ACCES-VR applications.  For more information on what VESID is and how VESID can help you or your student check out 'VESID Q&A for Students' and 'VESID Q&A for Parents'

All 11th and12th grade students with disabilities will have the opportunity to submit an application for ACCES-VR services. The application may be completed with the transition coordinator, or with an ACCES-VR Counselor at  the Harkness Career Center if the student is enrolled in a vocational program there.

Related Links

  • Main Transition webpage for the NY State office of Adult Career and Continuing Education Services. This website describes the transition process for secondary students with disabilities.

  • The WNY Collegiate Consortium and Disabilty Advocates, better known as CCDA, is comprised of a group of postsecondary and secondary education professionals, and community and government agency representatives who are directly involved in working with students with disabilities. The group was originally formed to address the needs of students with disabilities on WNY college campuses, and has expanded its focus to include the preparation of students with disabilities for the transition from high school to college. This site has a fantastic college planning guide for Students with Disabilities (and their parents).

  • The websites listed here are portals to further resources on transition from high schoolto postsecondary education. Sites may be hosted or funded by federal agencies, national agencies, state education agencies, local education agencies, institutes of higher education projects, private agencies or professional organizations.

  • This page provides links by category to a wide variety of resources related to all aspect of transition planning.

  • Association on Higher Education and Disability. Great resources for students,parents and professionals.