Parent Portal

Important Info

If you need a parent portal account (username and password), please go to Parent Portal and click "Parent Portal Registration." 

PLEASE NOTE: When filling out the School District field please type: "Cheektowaga-Maryvale" without quotes and the option to select Cheektowaga-Maryvale UFSD will appear.

For detailed instructions please see this document: Maryvale Schools Parent Portal Information

Grades are only shown after teachers have finished entering them and have published them to the portal. It is at the teacher’s discretion when those grades are published to the portal. Certain assignments such as tests, projects, or long writing assignments take a great deal of time to grade. Parents need to understand that just because an assignment was handed in today does not necessarily mean the grade will be posted on the same day. While we encourage parents to be actively involved in their child’s education, we also caution parents calling or emailing a teacher to inquire as to when a particular assignment’s grade will be posted to the portal. Requests of this nature take valuable time away from the teacher’s normal out of class responsibilities of grading, providing extra help and preparing for upcoming classes. Concerns regarding grades should first be discussed between you and your child. If questions still exist, please feel free to contact the teacher at school for further discussion. 

DISCLAIMER: This system is provided as a convenience. The data is the property of the Maryvale School District and is available to ALL parents/students currently attending Maryvale. Grades and other information provided by this system are not official records and may or may not be accurate. For official grades and student records, please contact your child’s school. 



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